Colorless racing windscreen high protection for Ducati Panigale V4 V4S (2025) (HP)

Product SKU PPANV425 HP
Manufacturer Ducati

Sales price 90,95 €
Sales price without tax 90,95 €
Line of colorless windscrenn for racing / street bike.

Our products are differ for a special uncolored plastic material that guarantee the better transparency and elasticity on the market. All our windscreen are certified DOT that guarantee the best quality and the top personal security available on the market.

All our windscrenn are sold with OEM holes and designed to be interchangeable with the original one.
They are available in two versions: the first version match perfectly with the OEM winscrenn while the second version is HP (high protection) that guarantee the best aerodynamicity and is developed after many hours of study into the wind tunnel.

For older bikes is available the double double version and not the HP version.

Only racing use
For a cheaper shipment or orders with shipment on United Kingdom please contact: commercial@extreme-components.com Many thanks
PLESE NOTE: Parts must be installed by qualified staff Extreme Components

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