GP Evo Protection brake lever (length 12,5cm) Limited Edition GER

Manufacturer Universal

Sales price 306,18 €
Sales price without tax 306,18 €
Extreme Components is proud to present the new line of Limited Edition brake lever guards.

The production of these ones is made on request only. The painting process is totally handmade using professional tools and specialized process.
It is possible to realize any type of flag, also the nationality that are still not present on our website.
The graphic leave the frontal spoiler free where it is possible to see the carbon fiber in twill weave.

These Limited Edition brake lever guards are based on our new GP EVO brake lever guard, made in twill weave carbon fiber. This new model is the result of over 10 years of develop in the World Championship competitions.

The new model replace the old one that was the World first carbon fiber brake lever protection characterized by the famous layout with descendent and ascendant shape and frontal spoiler, from us produced 10 years ago.

The new brake lever protection has been developed inside the wind tunnel to guarantee the best aerodynamic penetration without any type of turbulence, offering the perfect conditions to reach the top speed, a very important factor in categories with small/medium size engines (Moto3 and Moto2).

The new brake lever protection differ from the previous model on many aspects:

-The main difference is the total absence of the aluminium cap that was fitted with the carbon structure. The new brake lever guard is made by a monolithique piece of Carbon fiber and that helped us to reach the fantastic weight of 35gr. making the new protection the lightest on the market.

-Another Important aspect is the different conformation of the surface from the internal and external side. In the internal surface there are not any angle and that help the rider to remove the hand in case of crash without any obstacle. The external side present a partial flat surface. This spec gives to the brake guard and extreme structural resistance and also augment even more the aerodynamic of the protection.

-We also modified the angle created by descendent and ascendant part. Now the GP EVO brake lever protection can be used with short brake lever and long brake lever and it work perfectly in both the situations. We maintained the “v shape” because it is our trade mark and because it is the only shape that guarantee to the rider to remove the hand in case of crash, avoiding to be stuck on the bike.

-The last modification is the shape of the frontal spoiler. It has been totally redesign considering all the data obtained on the air tunnel. The new front spoiler makes a better airflow in the zone of the throttle offering the best aerodynamic to the bike and to the rider when on straight position with throttle totally open.

The new brake lever protection is supplied with a black teflon spacer so the rider can decide to use it closer to the grip or wider and with 5 aluminium insert that permit to the brake guard to fit on handlebars with internal diameter from 14mm to 19mm.

Only racing use
For a cheaper shipment or orders with shipment on United Kingdom please contact: commercial@extreme-components.com Many thanks
PLESE NOTE: Parts must be installed by qualified staff Extreme Components

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