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Advanced handlebars 40mm offset - Diameter 50mm

Product SKU SEMI 50
Manufacturer Universal

Sales price 284,90 €
Sales price without tax 284,90 €
Handlebar whole billet in 45/47/50/51/52/53/55/58 mm, hard oxidized with two very special features:
- Ability to change the angle from 6 to 10 degrees in order to customize the feeling to your riding style, without moving parts that would be cumbersome to touch on the instrumentation.
- 3mm thickness of the handlebar stem (as in Superbike and MotoGP) instead of the usual 2mm, to ensure a higher resistance in the event of a slide.

Only racing use
For a cheaper shipment or orders with shipment on United Kingdom please contact: commercial@extreme-components.com Many thanks
PLESE NOTE: Parts must be installed by qualified staff Extreme Components

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