GP EVO rear sets kit for BMW S1000RR / M1000RR (2019/2025) (standard and reverse shifting) with carbon fiber heel guard (black)
GP EVO rear sets kit for BMW S1000RR / M1000RR (2019/2025) (standard and reverse shifting) with carbon fiber heel guard (black)
Product SKU PED-GP EVO S1000RR 19C ManufacturerBMW
Sales price 664,07 €
Sales price without tax 664,07 €
Rearsets kit for the brand new BMW S1000RR / M1000RR (2019/2022). The new rearsets are part of a new line completely developed and realized inside to our factory. They are the result of “know how” that we use from many years for the realization of racing parts for the best Teams of the World Championship (RedBull KTM Ajo, Estrella Galicia Monlau Competition, leopard Racing, Pons Racing, Angel Nieto Team) and that we finally use on all the parts of street and racing Superbikes.
The rearsets are extremely lighter than all our previous kits but they maintain the same torce resistance and the same calculated breaking points in case of crash. Thanks to use of different materials and different tools the finish and the lines are extremely fine and sophisticated. The new hard anodization system make the parts glossy and shiny and guarantee the best look of ever.
The brake and shift levers are fully fixed on ball bearings in specific steel bushing to guarantee the best precision and durability and now are supplied of a slide to have a micrometrical regulation of the front toe pegs and promise to the rider to find the best position on the bike. Both the front toe pegs (brake and gear) are now made in rubber to guarantee a better comfort and better grip as well. A combined system of a monolithic structure and a little spacer, assurance the best flexibility resistance (when the rider pushing on the rearsets) and guarantee the possibility of choice between 16 positions! The rearsets are plug and play, arranged for standard and racing shift and supplied of exhaust support stand. Weight with exhaust support stand: 1360 gr. Weight without exhaust support stand: 1250 gr.