EX SHORT brake lever for Brembo Racing/Accossato master cylinder offset 18

Manufacturer Brembo, Accossato

Sales price 99,57 €
Sales price without tax 99,57 €
Extreme Components is proud to present the new EX SHORT brake lever that fits on Brembo Racing master cylinders (not OEM) and Accossato master cylinders. 

This brake lever is the result of the development made in the Moto3 and Moto2 World Championship thanks to our partnership with the Team RedBull KTM AJO. 

Thanks to the particular shape of this brake lever we maximized the feeling on the brake, both with 1 or 2 fingers braking style.
Attention and time have been spent also on the aerodynamic of this product and on the weight. After several session on wind tunnel we decided to set the length to 9,7 cm (from the point between half lever and brake lever linkage) and it has been chosen to produce an hole in the final part to augment the aerodynamic penetration.

This brake lever is available with offset 16 or 18. 
Always present is the special screw that offer the chance to make a safety binding and that set the safety at maximum level. 

Extreme Components.
Only Racing use.
For a cheaper shipment or orders with shipment on United Kingdom please contact: commercial@extreme-components.com Many thanks
PLESE NOTE: Parts must be installed by qualified staff Extreme Components

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