Closed cell neoprene seatfor Yamaha R6 (2017/2025)

Manufacturer Yamaha

Sales price 57,00 €
Sales price without tax 57,00 €
Closed cell neoprene seat pad (15mm thickness) universal for race fairings Yamaha R6 2017-2025.

Technical aspects:
- closed cell to avoid problems of crumbling or widening in case of wet conditions
- high grip in all the conditions and easy movements of the rider on it.
- High quality tape on the lower side to guarantee a perfect sticking.
- 15mm thickness
- Shaped edges to guarantee comfort even on long turn and when riding on the edge.

Extreme Components
Only racing use.
For a cheaper shipment or orders with shipment on United Kingdom please contact: Many thanks
PLESE NOTE: Parts must be installed by qualified staff Extreme Components

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