Racing Gear Shift lever support for Honda CBR 1000 RR-R / SP (2020/2025)
Racing Gear Shift lever support for Honda CBR 1000 RR-R / SP (2020/2025)
Product SKU PED-GP EVO SUPLC CBR100020 ManufacturerHonda
Sales price 88,20 €
Sales price without tax 88,20 €
Spare part for our rearsets for HONDA CRB 1000 RR-R / SP 2020/2025: PED-GP EVO CBR100020 D PED-GP EVO CBR100020 BD PED-GP EVO CBR100020 CD PED-GP EVO CBR100020 R PED-GP EVO CBR100020 BR PED-GP EVO CBR100020 CR
Machined from solid plate to remove the side stand support. Available in black and silver color. Write on the order the color required.
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